Educare Enroll’s sophisticated system is a game-changer in enrollment management, simplifying a typically complex process. At its core is the Weighted Lottery, a powerful tool that enhances the fairness of student selection. It assigns additional weight to students who meet specific criteria, ensuring a transparent and equitable enrollment process.

The power of the future
Educare Enroll’s advanced system revolutionizes enrollment management, simplifying what can be a complex process. At the heart of our system is the Weighted Lottery, a powerful tool designed to enhance the fairness of student selection. This feature provides additional weight to specific students who meet predetermined criteria, ensuring that the enrollment process is equitable and transparent.
It examines each document for information matching, form-filling precision, and overall correctness. Instant feedback is provided, so registrars are promptly alerted if a document needs their attention. This advanced feature simplifies the document review process, reducing administrative overhead, and delivering a more efficient enrollment experience.
With AI-Driven Doc-Check®, schools benefit from improved data accuracy, streamlined communication with parents, and comprehensive record-keeping, while parents enjoy the convenience of a user-friendly document submission process. Say goodbye to document-related headaches and embrace the future of enrollment management.
Our Advantages
See what our Lottery feature is capable of!
Don't lose students
Our system is designed to make enrollment a smoother and more equitable process for your school and the students you serve.
Export Data
The results of the weighted lottery can be effortlessly exported to a spreadsheet, streamlining record-keeping and simplifying the administrative side of enrollment.
One click away
Our system offers real-time results. The lottery weights are automatically applied, and results are instantly available.
Results on the day
With just a few clicks, you can obtain the results of the Weighted Lottery in mere minutes. This rapid turnaround ensures that your school can efficiently proceed with the enrollment process and maintain transparent, equitable selection.
Simplify your school lottery process
What sets our system apart is its seamless export feature. It allows for easy transfer of the weighted lottery results to a spreadsheet, streamlining record-keeping and simplifying the administrative side of enrollment. Schools can maintain comprehensive records of lottery results, facilitating data tracking and management.
But there’s more. Our system provides real-time results. The lottery weights are automatically applied with a single click on our platform, and results are available instantaneously. Schools can access a clear overview of the selection process on the lottery day.
By choosing Educare Enroll, you gain the benefits of the Weighted Lottery and the convenience of efficient data management with real-time results. Our system is designed to make the enrollment process smoother, fairer, and more efficient for your school and the students you serve.